Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Old Switcheroo

Ask yourself how many times you've heard Democrats/liberals/the media say the Republicans have put forward no plan on health care.  I've heard this many, many times.  But then, out of the blue, in an effort to discredit Republicans from another angle, Dylan Matthews at Wonkblog says "In early 2009, Ryan introduced the Patients’ Choice Act as an alternative to the administration’s health-care reform efforts."  [Emphasis my own].  Hmm, that doesn't fit with what I've heard before.

This is a lot like the years of Democrats' talking about how the Bush tax cuts only benefited the rich and hurt the poor.  That's all I heard during the 2002-2004 elections.  But now Democrats want to extend the tax cuts for the middle class.  Why?  For years, they had no tax cut, now it's too important to lose!  Republicans should call them on this.  Get together a collection of Democrat quotes about the Bush tax cuts being only for the wealthy, then force them to admit that they were beneficial to the middle class.

Democrat: We must extend the tax cuts for the middle class and discontinue those for the rich.
Republican: Are you saying it would be detrimental to let the tax cuts expire for the middle class?
Democrat: Of course, the middle class are hard-working and being left behind.
Republican [Option 1]: So all those times when President Obama said we can't return to the failed policies of the past, he means all those policies except the tax cuts, which George W. Bush pushed and Republicans passed?
Republican [Option 2]: So if it's detrimental to allow them to expire now, it must have been a beneficial law that Republicans and President Bush passed 10 years ago.  Are you crediting Republicans with a good policy?

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