Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Challenge to Liberals

I would like to propose a requirement for all who support President Obama's re-election.

Preface: President Obama's term in office has been marked by unprecedented infringements on civil liberties and a strengthening of the executive office. 

Civil Liberties (for more details see this article):
  • He has argued that the government has the power to detain anyone (citizen or not) without due process if they're a suspected terrorist.
  • He has argued that the government has the power to kill anyone (citizen or not) abroad without any trial if they're a suspected terrorist.  (and he has acted on this)
  • He has extended the government's power to spy on its citizens without a warrant. Therefore where liberals complained Bush went too far, Obama has gone even farther.
Executive authority:
  • Has said he will not defend certain legislation in court (DAMA)
  • Has said he will not enforce certain provisions of Federal Law (selective enforcement of immigration laws).
  • He has nullified certain laws that he disagrees with by granting waivers (in the case of welfare reform, he nullified the central provision which the author argues was illegal)
All that he has done, he has done for temporary benefit (whether it benefits him politically or the country's welfare is up to interpretation).  But all of them, I believe, is in the long-term very bad for this country.  They each set disastrous and frightening precedents.  Imagine what a Republican could do with these!

My proposed requirement for those who want to vote for Obama is that they must admit that he has done all of these things (which is indisputable).  They then have to either argue that they approve of all of these moves or they must say that despite these troubling actions, they believe Romney will do worse.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine a single liberal will accept your challenge.
