Thursday, August 23, 2012

Poisoning the Well

Democrats love talking about Mitt Romney's taxes, but really, they're irrelevant.  They'd only be relevant if someone suspected Romney of breaking the law.  No one has suggested that Romney has done anything illegal.  All he's done is take advantage of the tax code.  Clearly Republicans and Democrats have different opinions when it comes to the tax code, but surely that debate can go forward without focusing on one man's taxes.

Some have suggested we need to know which loopholes Romney used so we can make sure those loopholes aren't expanded if he reforms the tax code.  First of all, which loopholes he used does not help anyone decide whether he should be President or not, which is what we're discussing.  Secondly, those loopholes exist whether or not he took advantage of them.  The benefits and costs of loopholes have nothing to do with whether Romney used them or not.

This is another example of how Democrats are trying to debase the tenor of the campaign.  Instead of focusing on the issues and the details, they'd rather curry jealousy and hatred of a wealthy man, who though he pays a large amount of taxes, and does so legitimately, pays a small percentage of his income.

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