Sunday, July 7, 2013

This is not Democracy

On This Week with George Stephanopoulos (June 30, 2013), they featured temporary liberal hero Wendy Davis.  Of course, these encomia shy away from the details of the issue she was filibustering.

Anyway, listening to her interview, I was struck when she said (at about 2:20 in this video) "I believe in the power of democracy." That's just a bald-faced lie. Her actions had nothing to do with democracy.  You only filibuster when your side is going to lose a vote. Democrats in recent years have used several methods to curtail democracy (Republicans have specialized in the filibuster). Legislators have skipped town to keep the legislature from having quorum to act, and in this case using a mob to keep anything from getting done. These are not examples of democracy.

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