I listened to July 14th's Meet the Press, and I was disgusted by the poor job David Gregory did by letting his guests, namely Harry Reid, get away without answering his questions.
Harry Reid (2005): "Senate rules can only be changed by a 2/3's vote in the Senate or 67 Senators."
Gregory asked Reid why it was bad to change the Senate rules with a simple majority when he was in the minority but it's ok now. The answer: Republicans filibuster more now and filibuster different things. Notice how this ignores the concreteness of his original claim, he doesn't mention the rules. Instead, he just filibusters.
Gregory: The Immigration law will result in continuing numbers of illegal immigrants in the country, not solving this problem.
Reid: Republicans hate Obamacare.
Gregory: Stay on immigration.
Reid: Many Republicans support the law.
Again, does not address the main problem those Republicans who are against it have.
Gregory: Is it reasonable to restrict, to some extent, late-term abortions?
Reid: Republicans blocked a Transportation, etc. Bill to prevent women from getting contraceptives.
Gregory: Answer my question.
Reid: We shouldn't talk about fringe issues.
Gregory: Answer my question.
Reid: We should talk about more important issues.
This interview was infuriating. Avoid at all costs.
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