Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bad Analogy II - Tom Toles

Ezra Klein thinks this Tom Toles cartoon is a perfect representation of what's going on with the Healthcare law.  Bad analogies strike again!

Democrats, on their own, passed the Health Care Law. The Republicans have done nothing to harm the operations of what was passed. What the Republicans have done is refused to fix some of the clear mistakes of the bill. Also, they have refused to provide more funding than what was allocated by the bill itself.

A better (more accurate, but still critical of Republicans) cartoon would have a large, complex machine in the background, spilling oil, belching out smoke, with screws falling out of it.  Problems that hinder but don't incapacitate.  A Donkey is looking at it through a window, banging on the wall with a wrench, while an Elephant is just staring at it saying, "This piece of junk will never work!"

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