Sunday, September 29, 2013

Global Warming Slowdown

Rush Limbaugh had a great point on his radio show recently.  Now that the Global Warmists have admitted the fact that the world hasn't warmed over the past 15 years, they should be celebratory. If global warming is bad, then no global warming should be good, right?  They can still be worried over the long run, believing the world will continue to heat up, but now there's a chance things won't be so bad. They don't see any cause for celebration.

This is like the slowdown in health costs. Liberals are very excited, even though it's possible it might be short-term. They're trying to convince themselves, though, that it's permanent (and likely due to Obamacare).

In both cases, there was an unexpected change in the trend, and in both cases, the change was inexplicable.  Why the different reactions?

Liberals have a vested interest in global warming. If it doesn't happen, they look like fools, they stop receiving government grants for researching it, and they lose what they crave: control over other people's lives.

One of the many criticisms Republicans have over the global warming debate is that they don't believe the models.  This new development supports that criticism. If scientists don't know why the world has not heated over the past 15 years, their model is missing something important. Republicans think that the climate is too complex for current methods to predict--there's too many interactions between the separate components. We don't really know how the world will react to warmer temperatures; it may have some kind of self-regulator. Who knows?

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