Sunday, September 29, 2013

Democrats Admit Actions Politically-Motivated

The news isn't that their actions are politically motivated. The news is that they admitted it.

Democrats continuously claim that their actions are noble--they're doing the best for the American people.  Those evil Republicans, however, always have nefarious political motivations. If you follow the news closely, you would have noticed how frequently they brought up Mitch McConnell saying his main goal was to defeat President Obama.

Well, here's Democrat James Clyburn admitting that they designed the ACA to help them win elections. Now Republicans have the opportunity to take the moral high ground. Why wasn't the sole goal of this legislation to insure the uninsured and bring costs down--to help people?  How many people have to go uninsured so that the Democrats can win in 2014? How many people are going to die for their blatant politicking?

I expect to hear next to nothing about this development from Republicans, from the media, and from the Democrats who endlessly criticized McConnell.

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