Thursday, September 27, 2012

Challenge Accepted

In this blog entry I challenged Liberals to admit Obama's failings on civil liberties before they vote for him. Conor Friedersdorf at The Atlantic has done me one better.

He admits the failings, far more descriptively and coherently than I, and admits it's a strong enough reason not to vote for him.

I strongly encourage everyone to read his post. I underestimated how much damage President Obama actually did to civil liberties.

"I don't see how anyone who confronts Obama's record with clear eyes can enthusiastically support him." I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, and the statement that follows.  I can imagine people supporting Obama, but those who do should do so with reservations and disappointment not enthusiasm.

I've actually wrestled with voting for Gary Johnson as well.  When I lived in New Mexico (not during his tenure), I was told by both Democrats and Republicans how much they respected him and how well he governed.  I don't think I'd vote for him for President, though, because I just can't get behind libertarian foreign policy.  For Governor or Senator, he'd be a terrific candidate.

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