Thursday, September 27, 2012

Assorted Links

There have been a few terrific pieces I've read in the past few days. 

Media ignore Independents this Election Cycle - This is hopeful.  If Romney is doing this well with Independents, I find it incredibly hard to believe that he's very far behind.  Even the polls showing him far behind concede he's doing well with Independents!

Obama's Dereliction of Duty - I have no desire to be disrespectful, and this headline seems more inflammatory than I am comfortable with, but he brings up a terrific point.  Namely, that President Obama, by just briefly popping in to the UN summit, is being a pretty bad President. Foreign Policy should probably be a major focus of any president, especially when there are so many things going on.  Meeting with other leaders is paramount.  Obviously they want to meet with him, but he says if he sees one, he has to see ten. What a cop-out! Ask yourself a question, what's the more likely reason he's not seeing leaders--he is unable to say yes to a few select ones without saying yes to hordes of them or because he'd rather be campaigning?  From my point of view, it is obviously the latter.  If anyone did a study, I imagine they would find that President Obama has spent more time campaigning than any other first-term president in history.

How the AARP Made $2.8 from Obamacare - What an article! Reading this really makes you understand just how self-interested these organizations are and how corrupt the whole system is!

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