Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sally Kohn Wrong in So Many Ways

In her Daily Beast article, Sally Kohn makes a number of fallacious and irrelevant arguments. Such as

For the Court to even get to its ruling that the contraception mandate "substantially burdens" the exercise of religion, it has to believe this bunk science.

Well, no it doesn't. If religious people believe something, even if it's untrue, that's their belief. The court wasn't trying to decide whether these were, in fact, abortifacients, only if the beliefs of the employers gave them the right to deny providing them.

Moreover, in a free and secular society, birth control is about medicine and science and personal health, not religion.

Birth control may be about these things, but it is also about religion, since it's an important part of many people's belief system. Also, the left continues to try to make this about birth control, but it's more about whether birth control has to be provided, not whether it's available.

If you think going to the mall is like going to church, that makes sense. To everyone else, it's nuts.

Logical Fallacy Alert. It looks as a combination black or white fallacy and straw man.

Keep reading, there are even more fallacies, such as "Let's all pray to the corporate gods who control our elections that someday we have a Supreme Court that values the American people more than big business."

I love how the Left imbues the Supreme Court with such power. They want the Court to decide everything on a moral basis. She, of course, doesn't debate the law at all. What does that matter? The Supreme Court has given power to corporations! That's just wrong!

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