Monday, May 5, 2014

Reproductive Rights?

The Left has been extraordinary at coming up with positive sounding names for their causes--affirmative action, pro-choice, social security, the affordable care act.

In this Rolling Stone article, Lauren Rankin discusses some of the "attacks on reproductive rights."

First off, I don't think we should call issues dealing with abortion reproductive rights. These people are fighting for the right to not reproduce. Who believes that when I assert my gun rights, I'm talking about my right to not own a gun? It's a bizarre manipulation.

Of course, she never presents the other side of the argument, but I'm most interested in issue 4-"Louisiana bill would keep brain-dead pregnant women on life support against family's wishes."

"This bill essentially turns brain-dead pregnant women into incubators against their will, compounding the trauma that their families are likely experiencing."

Well, I don't dispute that the women would essentially be incubators, but I'm not sure it's against their will. I doubt most women say what they would want to happen if they faced this decision. Rankin goes on to say that in Louisiana, the law would not "[supersede] pregnant women's 'do not resuscitate' orders..., [it] would still override the family's wishes." Well, then whose rights are being attacked? These clearly aren't reproductive rights. These are the family's control over someone else's rights. What if the woman wanted her baby to come to term? Oh, well, says Rankin, the family's rights to abort allow the fetus to die naturally supersede anything else. It seems that Rankin thinks that not only the mother has the right to abort, but the family does, too.

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