Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Anti-Free Trade?

In the past, I have been sympathetic to the Tea Party. Their priorities aligned with mine. Lately I realized that the Tea Party seems to be identified with conservative social issues, though, and it made me wonder when this became a big part of the Tea Party.  As I recall, the whole thing got started as a reaction to high debt levels and increased government control over our lives. While I generally agree with conservatives on social issues, these issues are not my primary concern right now, and I think they scare away a lot of people who would otherwise side with libertarians so I was unhappy with the new themes.

Now, I read that the Tea Party may be against free trade. If that's the case, then I'll have to abandon them altogether. Of course, this article doesn't really give many details, so it may not be true at all. They basically just posit that the Tea Party is skeptical of free trade, but don't name any people or a party platform or issue statement or anything. They then guess at some reasons why this may be the case. Hopefully it's untrue.

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