Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hypocritical Outrage

Perhaps you've heard that several leading Democrats are outraged that the US Olympic team is wearing uniforms manufactured outside of the US.  To make matters worse, they were manufactured in China!  Oh the humanity!

Greg Mankiw rightly points out that it's very likely that the very people complaining are probably themselves wearing clothes manufactured outside of the US.

I'd like to take this point several steps further.  Every Democrat that has complained about this situation, should be challenged to purchase only products manufactured in the US.  No foreign cars, clothes, electronics.

This will include Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Sherrod Brown, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Bernie Sanders.

Below are quotes from these hypocrites.  I encourage you to replace 'Olympic Uniforms' with any product conceivable.

“There is no reason why U.S. Olympic uniforms are not being manufactured in the U.S. This action on the part of the U.S. Olympic Committee is symbolic of a disastrous trade policy which has cost us millions of decent-paying jobs and must be changed.”

-Bernie Sanders

“We have people in America, in the textile industry, who are desperate for jobs. What the Olympic Committee did is absolutely wrong.”

-Harry Reid 

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