Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lives Must Be Saved

Families USA has recently suggested that invalidating the ACA will leave millions more uninsured which will result in more deaths.  Therefore, we should make sure that these people stay insured.  Of course, this isn't enough.  Even with the ACA, millions will remain uninsured.  That will result in even more deaths and can't be tolerated.  Obviously, an individual mandate isn't enough to keep these people insured and save their lives.  We must double-down on this insurance to make sure everyone can live an insured, healthy life.

With the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan winding down, we'll soon have soldiers without much to do.  I propose we create some units that will be sent to force the uninsured to purchase insurance.  The penalty for not having insurance in the ACA is clearly too weak.  Think of all the lives that could be saved by intimidating these at-risk citizens with guns and violence.

To save even more lives, we should seriously consider curtailing people's traveling rights.  Tens of thousands of people die each year in car accidents.  Perhaps we should institute a national 10 mph speed limit on all roads or restrict driving all together.

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